A Road to Somewhere–Anywhere other than Nowhere

SplitShire-2767Don’t! Don’t do it…! Don’t go down that road. To where you ask? Well, simply put, to nowhere. 

Everybody, no matter who they are or where they’re going, has a dream. Some want to be artists, some want to be writers (guilty as charged), and others want to be musicians. There are an unending amount of dreams that one can have. We’re all unique and that’s what ultimately makes us so special. Yet so many times people fail to follow these dreams–even worse, they don’t even start up the pathway. They depart down the road of life and realize they’re on the road to nowhere.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that you should quit your job and risk everything for the sake of your dream. Although  a romantic ideal, it’s a pathway that will often times lead to more harm than good. What I am saying however, is that each of us Continue reading
